Oral and maxillofacial pathology screenings are vital when it comes to early detection and treatment of more serious issues such as oral cancer. When your general dentist performs an oral pathology screening and finds something concerning, they will likely refer you experienced oral surgeons to evaluate your case. Our doctors will perform an entire head & neck exam and evaluate the area of concern. This may require X-rays or other advanced imaging. We will then discuss our findings and if a biopsy is necessary. Once we understand what is going on, our doctors will thoroughly explain what was found and what treatment options are available. Our surgeons at Aspire treat a wide variety of oral pathology and can get you on the road to recovery and good oral health.
If you experience any of the below symptoms, please get in touch with us for a proper diagnosis.
These changes can be detected on the lips, cheeks, palate, gums, tongue, face, and neck. Signs and symptoms can develop quickly or slowly, with little or no discomfort, which is why regular follow-up with your general dentist is so important. If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms without an obvious cause, schedule an appointment for an evaluation or see your dentist immediately for evaluation and referral.